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Welcome to
he Pregnancy HUB

Perinatal Professionals 

& Helping Peers

Dear Perinatal Professional & Helping Peers,

Both professional and helping peer memberships have been discontinued at The Pregnancy HUB as of May 27th, 2024. We appreciate that over the last few years you have supported and referred patients, clients and participants to the Pregnancy HUB and we could not have been connected to thousands of perinatal people without you. This decision was not easy; however, the HUB is seeing huge growth in the number of perinatal participants accessing its services that requires the HUB team to focus on the needs of the target population it was originally created for to serve.

As an alternative to your free HUB professional membership, we encourage you to sign up for BCAPOP emails if you are not already receiving them.  All communication for perinatal professionals and helping peers who refer to the Pregnancy HUB will be distributed through the BCAPOP email contact list.

Please sign up today at: BCAPOP - Mailing List.

Even though you will no longer have access to your HUB professional membership, you can still access the HUB Directory, Resource HUB and HUB Schedule as these webpages are public. Please continue to refer clients, patients, and participants to the HUB program, which is always 100% FREE for all perinatal people in BC.

Please note:  All BCAPOP Program Members will still be listed on the Pregnancy HUB Directory, which will continue to be manually updated by our staff annually.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns and we thank you for your understanding as we continue to prioritize how BCAPOP can support perinatal people best in BC.

The HUB Team

The Pregnancy HUB is a program hosted by BCAPOP.

contact us | about BCAPOP | donate  
charitable registration number: 82153 3072 RR0001

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.


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