image of pregnancy hub logo

Welcome to
he Pregnancy HUB

Resource HUB

The Pregnancy HUB offers a library of reliable and evidence-based resources to keep you up to date with the latest information for pregnant, postpartum and newly parenting people.

Care Providers & Health Services

illustrated image of a heart with a lifeline through it

Find prenatal care providers (Physician or Midwife) & other health services such as virtual hospital tours and regional prenatal registries.

Pregnancy Options & Sexual Health

stylized illustration of parent holding a baby that makes the shape of a heartLearn more about pregnancy options and sexual health or connect to non-profit organizations that offer low-barrier access to contraception.

Mental Wellness

illustrated image of heart with one side looking like a heart, and the side resembling a brain to depict mental wellnessLearn more about mental health for pregnant people, families and infants and find out where you can go to access more help.

Physical Activity &  Body Changes

illustrated image of pregnant person sitting in a yoga Easy or Sukhasana pose

Learn more about physical activity during pregnancy, after birth, or as a new parent, and about body changes that are healthy.

Crisis & Legal Support

illustrated image of an outline of 2 hands holding a heart with a pregnancy hub logo in the the middle of the heart.

Connect to help lines, legal aid, a local rent bank or child welfare agencies if you are experiencing a crisis.

If you are in immediate danger or hurting yourself or someone else, please call 911 immediately.

Resource Suggestions

Illustrated image of a lightbulb

The Pregnancy HUB is always looking to expand its evidence-based resource library, and we review and update our resources quarterly.

you'd like us to add a resource or have any suggestions on what should be included, email the Program Coordinator at

disclaimer icon: triangle with exclamation point in the middle.
The Pregnancy HUB shares evidence-based resources from many external sources. The Pregnancy HUB does not endorse or assume responsibility for any information provided through these external resource link

The Pregnancy HUB is a program hosted by BCAPOP.

contact us | about BCAPOP | donate  
charitable registration number: 82153 3072 RR0001

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.


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